Grace UMC Children’s Ministries:
The Children’s Ministries at Grace UMC offers a range of opportunities for children of all ages to learn about and be involved in the church.
The nursery at Grace UMC is for infants, toddlers, and children up to the age of 5.
- There are two adults supervising the nursery at all times, one paid nursery staff and one church member volunteer.
- Grace UMC follows the Safe Sanctuary Guidelines recommended by the United Methodist Church. All volunteers and staff have passed background checks.
- The nursery is provided during both services as well as during Sunday School at 9:30am.
Sunday School:
Children’s Sunday School is offered every Sunday morning at 9:30am for children ages 3 years through 5th grade. There are at least two adults leading and supervising the children at all times. These adults follow the Safe Sanctuary Guidelines recommended by the United Methodist Church and have passed background checks.
During Sunday School, children learn Bible lessons through art, music, videos, games, food, and so much more!
Children’s Sermon:
A Children’s Sermon is offered during both services. During the Children’s Sermon children of all ages are encouraged to come to the altar for a mini lesson with the Pastor. The lesson is often parallel to the Pastor’s sermon. One Sunday each month, the children collect change from the congregation in their Clang Buckets during the Children’s Sermon. The offering collected by the children goes towards funding mission projects.
Grace Kids Sunday Evening Activities:
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday evening of the month from 5:15 – 6:30pm, Grace UMC offers Children’s Activities for children ages 3 years through 5th grade. A meal is provided at 5:15pm for all children. After the meal, children participate in fun Christian-centered activities, Children’s Choir/music, and community outings. In addition to the fun activities, there are also character-building aspects as well. The children are involved in mission projects that benefit the local community. Some of the mission projects the children have been involved in include: filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, making gifts and cards for nursing home/shut in church members, filling backpacks for local school children, stuffing Christmas stockings for DSS children, and collecting food items for the Gleaning House. During Sunday evening activities, the children are led and supervised by at least two adults who follow the Safe Sanctuary Guidelines recommended by the United Methodist Church and have passed background checks.